Consultancy Services
I offer a range of consultancy services related to understanding the industry of longevity, the greatest biomedical challenge (and opportunity!) in the history of mankind.
Landscaping/Due DiligenceIn the field of Longevity Biotechnology there are many pitfalls, science is very complex and it can be hard to judge whether something is likely to work or not. If you need due diligence on the credibility of a scientific area/company, let me know!
Longevity ConciergeHealth goes far beyond diet, exercise, sleep and stress management. Are you a person who want to benefit from the latest interventions in aging research, but feel confused what the science really says and that people are trying to sell you something you cannot evaluate? If you need a second opinion on aging interventions you take or clinics you visit, this service is for you!
General InquiriesIf you want the answers on a specific topic/tutoring and help to understand longevity, send me a mail and I'll help you out!